Vocal Concert by Carnatica brothers Sashikiran and Ganesh
VENUE: Hindu Temple Of Wisconsin auditorium, Pewaukee, WI
DATE and TIME: Sunday April 18 @ 4 pm
TICKETS: Tickets $10 per head. Kids 12 and under free. VIP seating available for a family of four – $50, $100.
ORGANIZED BY : Natyarpana Dance Company and Swarabarathi
FOR TICKETS EMAIL: natyarpana@yahoo.com . Also available at the door
Natyarpana performs at the Midwest area dance festival organized by Chicago Balaji Temple.
VENUE: Balaji Temple, Chicago
DATE and TIME: May 1, 2010 , TBA
Save your date: Natyarpana’s Annual Showcase
DATE: May 15, 2010
TIME: 3 – 6 pm
VENUE: The Robert and Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre at
Divine Savior Holy Angels High School
4257 N. 100th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53222
Natyarpana Arangetrams – ALL ARE WELCOME!!!
Parvathi Kumar – June 5, 2010
VENUE: Hansen Fine Arts Theater at Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, 4257, N
100th St, Milwaukee, WI 53222
TIME: 3 pm
Pavithra Subramanian – June 19, 2010
VENUE:Edgewood High School, Monroe Street, Madison, WI
TIME: 3 pm
Dr.Gayathri Vaidyanathan – June 20, 2010
VENUE:Hansen Fine Arts Theater at Divine Savior Holy Angels High School, 4257, N
100th St, Milwaukee, WI 53222
TIME: 3 pm
Anupama Battacharya – July 4, 2010
VENUE:Middleton Performing Arts Center, Middleton, WI
TIME: 3 pm
Annual showcase 2017 on April 22nd 3 pm at the New Berlin West
Performing Arts Center, New Berlin, W